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Our company's references are examples of work and projects where our expertise and high-quality solutions have helped our customers achieve excellent results. We have carried out diverse projects and continuous collaborations in different industries, and each reference reflects our commitment to customer satisfaction and high quality. Could we do something similar with you?

Ravitsemushoidon koulutukset


Esperi Care – trainings on nutritional care

"Ravistamo is energetically present and working with them has been pleasant. They quickly understand what is needed and know how to respond to our needs expertly."

- quality director Eeva Ketola and

senior quality manager Katri Halttunen

Esperi Care works as a partner of all welfare areas, providing housing services for different customer groups. The range of services includes mental health and disability services and care for the elderly. The company has approximately 7,000 resident places and almost as many personnel in more than 220 units around Finland.


The challenge is the constant need for information about clients' nutritional treatment

"Our biggest challenge before the introduction of Ravistamo's services was the need for information about nutritional care, as it is a large part of our customers' everyday life. We want to offer housing services food that looks good, tastes good and meets nutritional recommendations.

We met Ravistamo for the first time at the Kotihoido ja Palveluasuminen -event. The witty name had already stuck in my mind before. From the very first discussions, the idea of cooperation arose, and Ravistamo quickly understood what we wanted."


Trainings and online courses for nutritional treatment of malnutrition

"Our collaboration began in 2023, when Ravistamo organized remote trainings during our nutrition theme week on the importance of nutrition, the role of nursing staff in implementing nutritional care, and monitoring the client's food and fluid intake.

Since then, Ravistamo has implemented the MNA nutrition online course, as requested by the welfare regions, which guides the use and utilization of the MNA test. The starting point of the online course was the need to get information in a compact package, so that we in the unit would know how to react to the customer's situation, if concern about malnutrition arises. Already the first version of the course met our expectations, and it received positive feedback in the pilot. We did further development together. The cooperation has gone well and whenever we have asked something, we have received an answer. If something has not been quite right, the comments have been taken into account and the final product has been improved."


The quality, content and functionality of the services developed

"Ravistamo's services have been a clear added value, and they have made our work easier. The courses and trainings have helped us to offer our customers better nutrition and respond to their needs. We have also been able to better meet the needs of customers when training input has been received from elsewhere.

Cooperation with Ravistamo has helped us to develop the quality, content and functionality of our services. The online course produced by Ravistamo is easy to complete regardless of location, and it has increased the accessibility of training opportunities in our company. Ravistamo has met our needs excellently."


Ravistamo is a great choice, especially for companies that don't have their own nutritionist

"We will definitely continue our cooperation with Ravistamo, if a suitable topic of nutrition comes up that we need help with. We definitely recommend Ravistamo's services to other companies that provide housing services for their training needs related to nutrition. Especially for companies that need occasional nutrition expertise and do not have their own nutritionist. Ravistamo's expert and fast service brings added value to everyone.”

Kumppani lääketutkimuksessa


Health Step Finland - a partner in medical research

"The cooperation has been very successful. Ravistamo's wide-ranging expertise, flexibility and open communication have made them an invaluable partner in our clinical research work."

- managing director Nina Koskinen


"Health Step Finland is a clinical drug research company that focuses on phase 2, 3 and 4 clinical trials. There are very few similar operators. Our main research areas are diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity."


The challenge is insufficient time resources for lifestyle guidance of research clients

"Our biggest challenge before implementing Ravistamo's services was lack of time. Guidance on lifestyle, diet and exercise would take a lot of time from research nurses and doctors, which would limit their opportunities to focus on other important tasks. With Ravistamo's help, we have been able to delegate lifestyle guidance to nutritionists, which has made our work considerably more efficient."

"The cooperation started from our needs. We chose Ravistamo because cooperation with an entrepreneur-based company was important to us. The advantage of Ravistamo was also flexibility, because the operation is not tied to just one person. Starting the cooperation went smoothly, and we have been satisfied with their services."


Nutrition and exercise guidance in obesity drug trials

"We started cooperation with Ravistamo at the end of 2022. We are currently working on another big project. We have utilized Ravistamo's expertise in obesity drug studies, where they have been responsible for mapping and guiding the researched nutrition and exercise habits. The independent work-mode of Ravistamo has made our work easier because we have not had to intervene in these areas."


Efficiency for business and better care for research clients

"The collaboration has made our business more efficient and enabled us to better focus on our research work. Ravistamo's expertise has been invaluable, especially in the guidance of subjects, and efficient operation has significantly improved the treatment of subjects. All this has been valuable to both us and our customers. Ravistamo's experts have taught us a lot about nutrition, and we have been able to use this knowledge in our research work.

Ease of operation and flexibility have been Ravistamo's trump cards. We have overcome the problem areas together, we have learned from them and developed along the way. Working and communication have been open and smooth. You get an answer right away even in the evening, and they manage the appointments according to our needs. This would not necessarily have been possible with other service providers. We have worked as one team, not as two companies."


Nutritional therapy services for everyone – especially for weight management issues and drug research

"We will continue to cooperate with Ravistamo as long as there are enough projects. If new ideas and needs arise, we are ready to expand our cooperation. We definitely recommend Ravistamo to everyone who needs nutrition therapy services - especially for weight management and drug research. They have learned a lot from clinical research and can provide support to many different areas where nutrition services are needed. The customer experience has been very positive for us and the subjects, and Ravistamo's flexibility and expertise have been of paramount importance to the success of our collaboration. No complaints.”

Ruokapalvelun ravitsemusasiantuntija
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Kylän kattaus - nutrition expertise for food services

"The cooperation with Ravistamo has been very successful, and we are very satisfied with the services they offer. Their expertise and flexibility have been invaluable, and we warmly recommend them to anyone who needs the services of a nutrition expert. Ravistamo has broad shoulders and a working concept!"


- Tuija Sinisalo, director of business facilities

Kylän Kattaus is an internal service unit of the City of Jyväskylä, providing school and daycare meals for the city’s internal clients. When the social and healthcare services unit transferred to the regional welfare area, the City of Jyväskylä decided to retain Kylän Kattaus as its own operation. Currently, we focus on daycare centers and schools, placing a greater emphasis on food education than before. Every day, we serve approximately 19,000 customers.


Challenges with Special Diets and Nutritional Issues

“When our nutrition planner moved to work for the welfare area, we were left without internal expertise on nutrition, which created a sense of insecurity. We had to consider whether we needed our own nutrition expert or if outsourced services would suffice. We wondered who could provide such services. Soon after, Ravistamo reached out to us. We were truly happy, as we were desperate to find the necessary services.


The dialogue with Ravistamo went smoothly, and after a trial period, we decided to put the services up for tender. Ravistamo’s offer was competitive in both quality and cost, and we were very satisfied with the direct procurement experience. Ravistamo was the only provider operating in this model: they have multiple experts who can consult with each other.”


Individual Diets, Special Diet Management, Nutritional Calculations, and Training for Service Kitchens

“Our collaboration began in 2023, and Ravistamo has already helped us in many ways. They have created individual menus for our customers, trained our staff on dining practices and the nutrition of children with sensory hypersensitivity, and participated in working groups dealing with nutritional challenges. Ravistamo has worked with us to update our nutrition and food education handbook, particularly regarding special diets, supported our diet chefs and service kitchens with specialized issues, and produced model responses for homes regarding dietary questions for children with sensitivities. In addition, Ravistamo calculates the nutritional values of our menus and ensures their alignment with recommendations, which is important, for example, in competitive tenders.”


Increased Efficiency and Productivity

“Ravistamo’s services have improved our efficiency and productivity. The expert support and advisory services have been invaluable, especially when responding to feedback from parents of children with sensory sensitivities. Without Ravistamo’s assistance, we would have spent significantly more time managing nutrition-related matters.


Collaboration with Ravistamo has been flexible, reliable, and professional. The staff trust their expertise. Their friendliness and patience have also been key factors in the success of our partnership. Responses are always quick—even urgent matters are handled flexibly. We don’t know how it could get any better than this.”


Ravistamo is an Excellent Choice for Food Service Companies and Smaller Municipalities for Specialized Nutrition Services

“We will definitely continue working with Ravistamo. We recommend their services to anyone needing specialized nutrition services, particularly food service companies and smaller municipalities that may struggle with their own resources. We encourage others to make a similar decision if their own capacity is insufficient. The expertise within food services is not enough to design complex special diets. Outsourced services are an excellent option if you don’t need a full-time nutrition planner.”



Tukena Ltd. - comprehensive menu reform for different needs

"Ravistamo's professional team has played a key role in the development of our food services, and we are satisfied with the results achieved. Cooperation with Ravistamo has been a pleasure, and their approach has been gentle - no one has questioned or accused our way of doing things."


-Maarit Paananen, responsible food service supervisor


Tukena Ltd. offers e.g. housing and day activity services for people with developmental disabilities in almost 50 service units around Finland. About 10 units have preparation kitchens.


The challenge is to design menus that are uniform and correspond to nutritional recommendations for different age groups

"Before the introduction of Ravistamo's services, our biggest challenges were related to cost efficiency and the lack of uniform guidelines. Planning the menus was difficult because we had to take into account a wide age range, from baby to the elderly. In addition, in some units, human resources and training have affected the organization of activities: people prepare food according to their own habits, and there are no clear instructions on how much of any food is offered to the residents. This contributed to the fact that food preparation and serving were not consistent, which increased costs."

"For tenders, the meals had to be clearly defined. Through this, we found Ravistamo's website and their free YouTube training videos. Their approach was very professional. They took our needs into account right from the start and kept us informed at all stages of the project."


Five-week rotating menus that are nutritionally complete
"Our collaboration with Ravistamo started over 1.5 years ago. We asked for help especially with menu planning, so that the menus would be uniform and meet nutritional recommendations, facilitate ordering processes and ensure equality of services. This is what we got too!

The result was five-week rotating menus that meet nutritional recommendations and are used in our preparation kitchens. Ravistamo listened carefully to our wishes and the implementation was as agreed. We got a clear schedule and were constantly aware of the progress of the project. Each unit was taken into account by finding out the current methods, the number of kitchen staff and other resources. The communication was smooth and informative, which made the cooperation uncomplicated. Now you can feel safe knowing that professionals have designed the lists."


Facilitation of the food ordering process and cost efficiency

With the help of Ravistamo, we have received clear menus that meet nutritional recommendations, which support cost efficiency and facilitate the ordering process. The menus are in daily use and we have received positive feedback from relatives that the meals are now of higher quality and more versatile. For the sake of cost efficiency, we have agreed on which products we use, so there will be no impulse purchases. We will get information about the realization of cost savings gradually when the lists have been in use for a long enough time. On the other hand, food expenses as a whole might have increased, when the general cost level has risen and the menus contain more e.g. protein sources and fresh berries.


Ravistamo helps with high-quality and nutritionally recommended menu planning
"We warmly recommend Ravistamo's services to other companies as well, especially to operators producing round-the-clock housing and care services. On the other hand, Ravistamo certainly has the know-how to design a menu for anyone. Cooperation has been flexible and easy. We have been satisfied with the project and we hope that this will continue in the future."



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